overbored wrote:
> I used the netinst ISO to install Debian Sarge/Testing (2.4 kernel) onto
my Dell D600 Latitude laptop, which has an Intel Pro Wireless 2200BG. I need to get wireless working so I opted for ndiswrapper instead of ipw2200 because I've been told the Linux drivers are still in beta and have minimal functionality (whatever that means). Anyway, though I've been using Debian for a while, I've never built my own kernel before, and I may be doing something wrong (this is what I've picked up from Googling/IRC):

IMO ndiswrapper should drop whatever Debian specific stuff they have in their package, and direct people toward Erik Rigtorp's packages. In fact, it would be really neat if these packages were included in Debian itself!

deb http://rigtorp.se/debian/ unstable/

Install ndiswrapper-source and read "/usr/share/doc/ndiswrapper-source/README.Debian". It's the usual procedure for installing drivers: install an appropriate kernel-headers package, then pick between module-assistant, debian/rules binary-module, or make-kpkg.

> vu


Sam Morris

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