On Wednesday September  8 at 09:23am
Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raphaël Berbain) writes:
> > The reason is that mail systems can handle reliably & automatically
> > PGP/MIME signatures (handling being verify, strip, whatever).  OTOH,
> > they cannot with inline PGP.
> I've yet to see a PGP-aware MUA that didn't recognize both on sight.

Sylpheed-claws deals very nicely with PGP/MIME, but inline requires an
'action' to pipe the message to gnupg, or more recently, a plugin.
-johann koenig
Today is Sweetmorn, the 32nd day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3170
My public pgp key: http://mental-graffiti.com/pgp/

Attachment: pgppE7hVJeRNA.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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