On Mon, Sep 13 2004 at 03:08:54PM +1000, Scott Barlow wrote:
> Thank you Andrew for your quick response. I have allowed enough for each
> partition. If anything I will be wasting space which is ok for the
> moment as i'm just experimenting. My computer consists of a 40gb drive
> which has the install on it and a blank 80gb drive. My /boot is around
> 100mb, my /, /var, /tmp is around 1Gb, my /usr is 10Gb, /swap is 1gb and
> /home is 25gb. This is all freshly configured. I don't know what to do
> with the second drive such as how to partition it to enable a lot of
> space for files, movies, music etc and which mount point to give it. I
> do want to do it properly however and am after any tips from the gurus.
> My /swap space is physically in the middle of the 7 partitions. Do i
> need /swap space on the 2nd hard disk or is that not possible? 

Several times you have referred to /swap which is incorrect. You do not
mount a swap partition, but it is instead just a partition of type linux
swap which the kernel takes care of. You may know this, but in case...
There will usually be a line for your swap partition(s) in /etc/fstab,
but it should not be mounted as /swap.

One gb is probably quite a bit more swap space than you need, but if you
have 512mb of ram then its probably okay.

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan

Thomas Stivers  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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