On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 16:26, H. S. wrote:
> Zachary Rizer wrote:
> > 
> > This is a known issue. You need to upgrade your kernel
> > to 2.6.9-rcX, or downgrade to 2.6.7.X.  Some details
> > here: http://k3b.plainblack.com/index.pl/news2 (under
> > "Do not use kernel 2.6.8") or more at google.com, I'm
> > sure.
> Under the same section on that webpage:
> Update 3: Be aware that kernel 2.6.8 also contains the memory leak which 
> makes it impossible to write audio cds, even as root.
> shudderrr ... o boy. I was thining of copying 3 audio CD I just bought 
> but was just putting it off till got some really free time. Good thing 
> here I delayed :)
> Okay, so if I now go home and install 2.6.7, should I expect any other 
> issues with it? I mean, does this kernel perform as well as the 2.4.26 
> or it lacks something there too?
> Thanks for your pointer,
> ->HS

That news item hasn't been updated recently, but newer versions of the
2.6.8 kernel will burn properly when run as root. I've burned a few
audio CDs just fine when running a kernel compiled with
kernel-source-2.6.8-5. All were as root, though. Still can't as user. At
least, not through k3b.

There's a new version of k3b (0.11.16) out that fixes some kernel
issues. Just waiting for it to get to Sid. :)

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