It wasnt a demand it was only a request ..
thanks for ur suggestion.

Thomas Adam wrote:

>  --- Vijaya S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi all,
> Anyone that has "urgent" in their subject line is usually ignored. We're
> all volunteers here, and you demand no more urgency than anyone else.
> Also, is there something wrong with your 'e' and 'a' keys?
> > i logged into another machine via ssh and while ediitng using mutt for
> > some reason my network went down..
> This is why using 'screen' is so very useful.
> > how do i go to the remote machinea nd save the file which i edited..The
> > remote machine is accessible..
> Assuming your editor was vim, it should save a copy of the file as
> /path/.swp (or some variant thereof) - you can get vim to use this next
> time. Other than that, there is no other means.
> -- Thomas Adam
> =====
> "The Linux Weekend Mechanic" -- http://linuxgazette.net
> "TAG Editor"                 -- http://linuxgazette.net
> "<shrug> We'll just save up your sins, Thomas, and punish
> you for all of them at once when you get better. The
> experience will probably kill you. :)"
>  -- Benjamin A. Okopnik (Linux Gazette Technical Editor)
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