--- Silvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 21 September 2004 01:17 am, Christian
> Benito wrote:
> > I have small network, two windows 2000 boxes and a
> debian box.  The
> > two windows machines share a laser printer that is
> attached to one of
> > them. I'd like to be able to print from the debian
> machine too. Can
> > anybody give me a pointer on how to get that
> working?
> Remove any eyeglasses, hats, caps, earrings, etc. 
> Now place your forehead 
> flat against any nearby wall.  Pivot your body back
> at the waist a bit, then 
> slam your head forcefully into the wall.  Repeat
> this until you either lose 
> consciousness, or you decide you don't want to try
> to get Linux to print to a 
> Windows printer.
> :)
> (It can be done in theory.  If you can find a set of
> instructions that will 
> actually get you there, you should turn around and
> go buy a lottery ticket 
> while you're at it.  You'll probably win big.)
> (As a disclaimer, I should add that my own
> experiences were probably tainted 
> by the particularly obscure nature of the printer I
> was trying to get working 
> in this fashion.  Obviously the instructions I found
> were an afterthought, 
> extrapolated from other, related instructions, with
> a lot of "probably" and 
> "this might work" and "try doing it like this"
> thrown in.)
> -- 
> Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan
> Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux
> user #243621
> http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Rue/5407/
> http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/
I ended up doing what Silvan suggested.  Although I
could get file shares to show and work with Samba, I
was NEVER able to get the print shares going.  It
would "see" the printer, but would never print.  

I did see somewhere that the *unwritten* law was that
you had to have gs for windows installed on the
windows box.  Personally, I've never tried this, but
this guy claims it will work.  


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