On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 11:23:15AM +0200, Jacob Larsen wrote:
> I have a script that I'd like to run as often as possible.
what does that mean? as many instances as possible until the cpu load in
maxed out?
> The script may only run in 1 instance.
And that would be ...

> My idea is to have a cron script to start it once every hour. 
is that: 
a specific time each hour?
a random time spaced one hour apart?

> The script 
> should write a run file, and if the run file exists, exit.
> Is this the best way?
the issues this probably addresses is concurrency. the way to address
this issue depends what you are trying to avoid:
two instances of the same program running at the same time overrighting
a file?
or something else?
> Thanks,
> Jacob

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