[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frederick B. Henry Jr.) writes: > I note some differences with your output...just not sure how to > interpret them. :(
They are likely not to be significant; you just seem to have a different version of the man page. If you type PAGER=cat man cat do you see a coypright symbol in the "Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc." line (i.e., in the place where I have written "(C)" here)? If you type printf \\302\\251\\n do you see a copyright symbol? If you type printf \\342\\200\\220\\n do you see a small hyphen (i.e. something somewhat smaller than what you get when you hit the - key)? If your answer to the second and third question is "yes", try to pipe the output of each command to a pager, e.g. printf \\342\\200\\220\\n | less In place of "less", try each pager which you also tried with "man". Martin -- ,--. ,= ,-_-. =. / ,- ) Martin Dickopp, Dresden, Germany ((_/)o o(\_)) \ `-' http://www.zero-based.org/ `-'(. .)`-' `-. \_/ -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]