On Sun, 2002-11-10 at 12:50, DEbian/Gnu/Linux User Tony wrote:
> Last fresh installation (about the 4th) I made of Woody was in some old 
> pentium 2 - 350 mhz, with not much to show. To get things right from the 
> beginning I used this time a trick: First I had run piggy (the installer 
> from Progeny) and then knoppix. I copied the settings for X and the 
> modules used into a floppy, since the hardware detection was so 
> wonderfully done. Then, made a fresh installation of woody, recompiled 
> the kernel with all needed modules, copied directly from the floppy the 
> X config file, and now I have a completely painless Debian woody 
> machine. So, I am wondering, why don't we integrate Knoppix and Piggy's 
> capabilities into Debian, and make them part of the upcoming 
> distributions? Is Klauss Knopper a Debian developer? If he is not, may 
> be we should invite him to be one?
> Just my 2 euros.
> Thanks to all.

A tangent on this - having heard of Knoppix's good reputation, I've
tried to get an iso of this from a few sources, and using all manner of
different sources and transfer methods and tools, I get a certain
distance along, and then it stops, and will not continue. How far I get
depends on the iso, but it stops at the same spot on all systems and
methods. I haven't seen any reasons in logs or networking manuals, but
this is frustrating - I'm burning bandwidth of many not-for-profit
servers with no success, and not reaching 20% of the iso as a rule.
Given that most other iso downloads (such as for the 7 Debian 3.0 CDs)
has been fine, and I'm using DSL and pppoe, is there somehing that I
should be looking for in terms of bad configuration?
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935

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