On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 03:06:41 +0530
Rishi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Are you freaking blind?!? All the information is there, telling you
> > that they are there and working properly. What more do you want?
> Hey .. dude... I'm not sure ok... I'm just asking... You don't have to
> be so rude. If you read my question I am clearly saying that it
> appears to have recongnized the 2nd CPU.. I just posted here to get a
> better sense of how to confirm if the 2nd CPU is working or not...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------- The output of dmesg and /proc/cpuinfo appears to have
> recognized the 2nd CPU. Any ideas if
> (a) the 2nd CPU is being used OR
> (b) it's not being used
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------

Well, since you're trying to use 'top' to determine if both cpu's are
active, why not read 'man top'

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