
Recently I started learning how to use GPG for signing and encrypting my
mail, and today noticed that the outgoing encrypted messages are copied
into $record folder *after* the encryption; as you can imagine, this
makes them quite useless for me, as I don't have the recipient's private

Is there any standard way of telling mutt to copy messages to $record
*before* encrypting them? I could probably play with fcc-hook and/or
conditionally adding a Bcc: header, but I wonder whether this is not
solvable in some easier way...

-- Shot
          If your telephone company installs a system in the woods
          with no one around to see them, do they still get it wrong?
          -- Robert Moir, alt.sysadmin.recovery
================================================ http://shot.pl/hovercraft/ ===

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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