Hi all,

I want to authenticate a debian sarge box from an NT4

getent passwd reveals both debian accounts and NT4

I have winbind working, using the smb.conf additions
suggested in the man winbind. 

The manual then goes on to describe the /etc/pam.d/*
settings. It's brief and vague and understandably, not
debian specific, even using the phrase "something like
this" when outlining the pam changes to be made.

Looking at my debian sarge model of /etc/pam.d/* I'm
thoroughly lost. I've looked at the pam tutorials, and
tried. I've locked myself out numerous times while
trying to find my way through (but left a ssh session
logged in to restore the pam.d directory). I have
tried putting the lines from the manual into
common-auth and common-account. Nothing.

Could someone with debian/pam/winbind experience point
me in the right direction, or mail me their pam
configs. I know I'm close... I can smell success.


Matt Johnson

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