On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 17:39 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 13:12 -0700, Eric Gaumer wrote:
> > On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 11:52 -0700, Gary wrote:
> > [snip] 
> > 
> > Make sure discover1 is installed and that will automatically find the
> > new card and load whatever kernel module it needs.
> discover is at v2.0.4, and depends on libdiscover2, while discover1
> is v1.7.3 and depends libdiscover1 and discover1-data.
> So, which is the preferred package?  discover or discover1?

If I understand correctly, discover was moved to discover1 so that
discover2 could become the "default" discover. There was some discussion
back in March on the debian-boot list about this transition.


The kicker is the comment about "drop discover1 when discover (2)
provides all the features we need and works well"

If discover1 is still available, does this mean discover2 is not yet
providing the necessary features? 

My assumption is that discover _will_ be preferred over discover1 but
it's unclear is this is the current situation. I would use discover1
until apt actually decides to replace it with discover. This seems to be
the intent of the maintainers.


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