On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 20:13 -0400, William Ballard wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 06:12:18PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > / and /boot are formatted ReiserFS?

> Yah, so I get what I deserve I guess.

Jeez, touchy.  I was only asking for verification purposes.

If / and /boot were "something else", and reiserfs were a
module, then *maybe* you could rmmod/insmod it and the system
wouldn't have to die.

Oh well.  (I'm not going to test that either...)

> > So a "shutdown -t1 -now -r" on another console TTY just sits there?
> Yes, as does "halt" and "reboot" and "Ctrl+Alt+Delete".  Halt and reboot 
> say they are doing things then nothing happens.  Control returns to that 
> bash prompt, and you can still Alt+F2 to another TTY.

Interesting.  Good to know, though.

> > You must be thinking of someone else.  I went back and checked 
> > all of my responses on this thread and nowhere does it mention
> > "dumb" or "poorly asked".  It doesn't even infer them, IMO.
> Okay, I don't want to get into an argument about this either.  I said 
> "how can I yank a mounted partition" and you said "it's stupid to yank a 
> mounted partition or even think you should be able to" meanwhile another 
> guy has in the same timeframe written a script called usbmount that lets 
> you yank a mounted partition!

Floppy disk, CD-Rs & flash drives are a big step down from a multi-
dozen GB-sized HDD.

ReiserFS is also a heck of a lot more complicated than FAT.

> But we can move on past that now, I'm not feeling touchy or anything.  
> What I'm doing now is messing with autofs which has its own problems, 
> but would probably work for me (it automatically unmounts parts after 
> disuse for n seconds,

That would do the trick....

>                       but the current version in sid is broken and never 
> unmounts *anything* (bug #278076).

If it worked. :)

>                                When autofs is working, then I'll 
> use that and be happy as a tick.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B

"The main reason that M$ gets bashed is that they persist in
writing bad code, on top of bad code.... As many have said, there
is NO PERFECT OS. The better OS though, IMHO, is the one that
will openly deal with issues, both major, and minor. Microsoft
still needs a lot of work in this area."

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