On Tue 12 Nov 2002 13:40:33 +0100
"Benedict Verheyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >What he was trying to put across is that in the DEFAULT Debian
> >install of Exim any mail passed to it by fetchmail shuld
> >automatically be delivered to /var/mail/{username}. If the user has a
> >~/.procmailrc then it would automatically be passed through procmail
> >and delivered wherever the .procmailrc told it to go.
> >
> >Something is broken in your Exim installation. At this point I would
> >suggest deleting everythin in /etc/exim and running 
> >'dpkg-reconfigure exim' or 'eximconfig' to get back to the default
> >behaviour.
> >
> >Also, please post your fetchmailrc (sanitize the usernames/passwords
> >please) here to this thread so we can see if anything appears out of
> >whack.
> >
> >G
> I deleted the files in /etc/exim, ran eximconfig. Then i restarted
> both exim and fetchmail but the mail ends up in /var/spool/exim/input
> again. This is my /etc/fetchmailrc file:
> ==============================
> set postmaster "user1"
> set bouncemail
> set no spambounce
> set daemon 300
> poll pop.isp.com with proto POP3
> user 'username1' there with password '123456' is 'user1' here
> poll pop3.isp2.com with proto POP3
> user 'username2' there with password '123456' is 'user1' here
> poll pop.isp.com with proto POP3
> user 'username3' there with password '123456' is 'user2' here
> keep
> ==============================

Hmmm -- check that the user:group for /var/mail is root:mail or
mail:mail. Perhaps exim can't write to the spool directory and this is
causing the failure.

Mine look like this:

ls -lA /var
drwxrwsr-x    2 root     mail         4096 2002-10-28 03:33 mail

ls -lA /var/spool
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root      7 2002-07-05 03:18 mail ->../mail


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