I run Woody and just upgraded my mozilla from Adrian Bunk's 1.2.1 to the 1.6 from backports.org. Sadly, it seems to have made things worse. Does anybody know how to fix any of the following:

font sizes
I've always had problems with fonts in Mozilla but had something that was just about OK. But now the menus, toolbars, status line, mail listing (but not mail contents) have all become much smaller. I've tried playing with all the font settings in preferences and I tried adding font.uifont.pointheight 20 to prefs.js based on a bug report I found but nothing has made any difference.

window sizes
Previously Mozilla remembered separate window sizes for the web browser, the mail browser and individual mail message windows. Now they all seem to open to whatever was the last size set for any of them.

Mozilla's never ben the fastest app but now the mail browser is really slow on startup, shutdown, switching mail folders etc

Any pointers to how to solve any of these issues would be great.

Oh, full version: Mozilla 1.6 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040530 Debian/1.6-6.backports.org.1

Thanks, Dave

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