On Wed, 2004-11-17 at 17:13 +0000, Joao Clemente wrote:
> Hi. I've tried so setup a print server in sarge, for a epson cx3200 usb 
> printer... Cups gets stopped lots of times (every other day?) and I need 
> to manually restart the printer...
> I am thinking of getting a cronjob doing "/usr/bin/enable PrinterName" 
> as I think this alone would reduce the support call I receive in 80% ..
> but in the first place CUPS shouldn't be stopping that many times..
> Anyone facing this problem decided to go back to lprng or something?

Just until recently I had a problem with cups stopping every morning at
6:30 am. It looks like it might have been related to logrotate since it
runs at the same time. I did an update about a week ago however, and
since then I haven't had the problem. Not sure if your problem and mine
are in any way related, but upgrading is usually a good thing.

Alex Malinovich
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