Well, I in particular am a fan of using at least a separated /boot and /usr partitions, because I like to make them read-only and "noatime".
When having multiuser machines I also keep /home separated.

How much space for each? Well, some 8MB to /boot is more than enough and as /usr is pretty much static and I always install "test-servers" first to setup to my like I get the feel of how much /usr needs and add some more MB just to be safe... for instance I have woody servers with a 100MB /usr partition (they use about 70MB in /usr).. Desktops take 2-3Gb to /usr...

The other partitions really depend on the machine you're setting up...

But after all this thread, now I am having a question: As I said, I am fan of using "ro,noatime" as much as I can... and things in /bin, /sbin and /lib are pretty static, right? But we can't put those in partitions, can we? They need to be in / so that they're there at boottime, before fstab is read, right?

Complaining about FHS:
I was reading FHS and thinking about these things and... for instance they say /etc should contain static stuff... but we have /etc/resolv.conf that is rewritten by dhcp!!!!

Now that I'm thinking, / could be "ro"... as long as it exists /home, /tmp and /var being mounted as "rw" it should work... hmmmm... i gotta double-check this for my servers... hmmm....

Joao Clemente

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