I have a rather interesting problem. I've recently lost my nice cable internet access, and will have to make due without any internet access at home for a while. Since I have three machines networked at home - all running debian, I decided to keep my own mirror of Sarge. Right now I'm using jigdo to get the sarge weeklies at my parent's house so I can burn them to cd-rw. This way I can bring the cds home and use apt-move or something to create the initial mirror.

There are two problems with this approach.
1: I'll only be getting main - no other section.
2: I can only update the mirror weekly when the jigdos are regenerated.

Is there anything that will let me just download what has changed (on a daily basis) so I can put it on zip disk to bring home? I need to do this without maintaining a mirror on my parent's computer.

Any help appreciated,

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