This is one of the interesting features of Fetchmail.

You say you are using Fetchmail with a multidrop mailbox. It may be that Fetchmail is not looking for the correct header to determine the address to deliver to. Look in the fetchmail man pages in the sections on "envelope" and "Header vs Envelope Addresses". Check the headers of delivered messages to see what your ISP uses.


Tony Middleton

Erik Dörnbach wrote:
Hello people,

I'm having a Debian Sarge box here running fetchmail, sendmail, spamass-milter. Mail
retrieved by fetchmail from 2 multidrop POP accounts is delivered to local sendmail (for spam check) and then forwarded via mailertable to an Exchange server. Everything on the
Debian box are official (well, testing) debs.

When any user on the Exchange is subscribed to a mailing list just like this, mail will be
delivered localy on the Debian box to the account set as postmaster in the global fetchmailrc (running daemon mode btw). The original reciever's address is neither seen in any logfiles or in the postmaster mbox, just the ml address (which can ofcourse not be delivered).

What did I miss here?

Any suggestions appreciated...

Best regards,


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