You are well prepared for your linux thinkpad journey.
I have a T41 with dual boot debian.
Absolutely get a thinkpad. The T series are really slim. Thinkpads are top rated for Linux installation.
After you get your thinkpad call and ask for the rescue CD's. It will be free. It won't be exactly the same as what is on the restore partition, but you will be able to say you have an installable version of XP that you payed for. Yes XP converts the file system to NTFS. Yes it will be read only. Cut it to 14gig, or even 10. If someone says parted will shrink it, it will. I used Acronis which you must pay for a license. Create a VFAT or M$ FAT to share. Read the grub manual on the knoppix CD, great idea if you are new to linux. But don't hesitate to get it installed for real.
You do not need the hidden restore partition, but it only takes up about 3 gigs tho it looks like more, then again it takes up one of your 4 primary partitions.
There is a solution to writing on NTFS, but I have heard it is no longer supported. I don't know if that is true and that it is not continuing to be developed. But it doesn't sound like you plan to use XP long.

Victor Munoz wrote:

Hello. I'm thinking of buying a new laptop. I don't know much about the
subject (I've only had one old laptop, which I bought from a friend, and he
had already installed sid). From what I've learned googling, IBM Thinkpads
seem to be one of the best options. I live in Japan, and Japanese brands are
cheaper, but IBM looks like a safer bet.

Currently I'm considering R50, T41, T42 models, but I'm open to suggestions!

It will probably not be possible to buy a laptop without XP installed. I've
read that one has to be very careful when first booting, because Windows XP
converts the file system from VFAT to NTFS. There's also the issue of the
special "recovery" partition somewhere in the hard disk. And there's the
issue of hardware detection.

As I still don't have the big picture, my questions:

1. If I naively do a normal boot, then filesystem conversion will take
place, and I will not be able to (easily) resize partitions to make room for
Linux later? Or the only problem with NTFS is that they're read-only?
2. If I keep XP, then I also have to keep the "recovery" partition. Right?
3. If I keep XP, what would be a suitable partition size for it? I will not
really use it, just a backup in case I need to know about some hardware,
until I'm sure sid is working properly with all hardware.

4. A simpler alternative would be to boot first time with Knoppix, which
seems to do a very good job detecting hardware. Learn all I have to learn
with Knoppix, and then delete all partitions and start with a pure Debian
system. Any horror stories out there?

5. This recovery partition, is of use only to Windows? The "delete all
partitions" part above is safe if I intend to have Debian only?

 Sorry for all the "if" questions, but I'm trying to get some advice and
information beforehand.



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