Hello all,

I'm trying to get my gpg key working on another system (my web/mail
server).  I generated the key using gpg 1.2.1 on sid (my workstation). 
The server runs woody, and has gpg 1.0.6.  I can encrypt a file just
fine, but if I try to sign a file, the following happens:

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justin@rack:~/src$ gpg --armor --sign file.tmp > file.tmp.gpg
gpg: protection algorithm 254 is not supported
gpg: no default secret key: unknown cipher algorithm
gpg: signing failed: unknown cipher algorithm

<- snip ->

>From the GPG FAQ:

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6.12) Older gpg binaries (e.g., 1.0) have problems with keys from newer
gpg binaries ...

As of 1.0.3, keys generated with gpg are created with preferences to
TWOFISH (and AES since 1.0.4) and that also means that they have the
capability to use the new MDC encryption method. This will go into
OpenPGP soon, and is also suppoted by PGP 7. This new method avoids a
(not so new) attack on all email encryption systems.

This in turn means that pre-1.0.3 gpg binaries have problems with newer
keys. Because of security and bug fixes, you should keep your GnuPG
installation in a recent state anyway. As a workaround, you can force
gpg to use a previous default cipher algo by putting:

   cipher-algo cast5

into your options file.

<- snip ->

Welp, I thoght this might be pertinent, but I am running 1.0.6 and even
adding the line it mentions to the options file does not help.  Anyone
have any idears?


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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