On Sat, Nov 27, 2004 at 01:01:44PM -0600, will trillich wrote:
> we'd like to automate backups from the office windo~1 box using rsync.
> we can do it usnig samba and the ftp-like interface, but all timestamps
> are lost this way (unless there's an option we've missed).
> we googled for things like 'mount windows share under linux filesystem'
> and get .exe downloadables and tutorials on the fhs...
> isn't there some way to mount a windo~1 'share' as part of the linux
> file system so that rsync can handle the transfers? maybe there's some 
> string of keywords to 'apt-cache search' for?

I recently setup backuppc (available in sarge) to back up the household
network (xp and w98 clients). Backuppc uses methods similar to those you
mention, and provides an nice web interface. The w98 box works OK using the
smbclient pseudo-ftp interface, but getting the permissions right on the xp
box was enough of a PITA that I went ahead and installed a rsync daemon
which works beautifully, and is probably a lot more secure than trying to
share out everything you want backed up. 

Even if you don't use backuppc you might want to browse their homepage
<http://backuppc.sourceforge.net> since the documentation and FAQs should
provide some insight for your setup.

As far as mounting the windows shares, using smbfs (smbmount and friends)
should work as pointed out by other posters, but for post win2k machines you
may want to use the linux cifs drivers instead. Somewhere in the /.
discussion of the recent smbfs exploit it was mentioned that smbfs has been
depreciated in favor of cifs, although cifs may still be a bit rough around
the edges. 



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