On Thu, 2004-12-02 at 02:24 -0500, William Ballard wrote:
> Google's becoming evil.
> Not only have they screwed up groups layout, showing a few columns of 
> text and leaving a big space for ads, now they're pimping their own 
> group namespace beside usenet.
> It's horrible.
> Is there any other usenet archive?
> I'm getting sick of the things Google's doing (putting ads on the main 
> page, this) now that they have a stock price to inflate.

I'm not sure about Google groups, but Google has been inflating their
stock price for quite a while now and I've never paid much attention. I
don't know if Google groups is getting worse than Google proper, but
they do need some way to pay for the astronomically expensive hardware
that they run.

As for usenet archives, I know there are quite a few out there but I
don't really use any. When I need an answer I search on google and
generally find it since at some point or another it has been discussed
on some web-accessible list or group.

Alex Malinovich
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