Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

I have my hostname back, but still can't send out Mozilla email or receive
email for the right user.

Let's not worry about email yet; can you ping any other computers, such as debian.org?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/westk> ping www.debian.org
PING www.debian.org ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=49 time=136.9 ms

--- www.debian.org ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 50% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 136.9/136.9/136.9 ms

(remember to Ctrl-C as soon as you get a result, so you don't create needless traffic to the remote machine).

What's the result of "ifconfig"?

What does your "/etc/networking/interfaces" look like?

Do you have your computer name in "/etc/hosts", like so:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/westk> cat /etc/hosts       westk03 localhost

Also, if you run "lspci", you should see your NIC listed, and if you run "lsmod", you should see the proper module for that NIC (which will probably be "3c59x", but will depend on the model of your 3COM card).

 I want a simple DUN to access the internet.

What's a "DUN"? I used to know the term in the Windows world as "Dial-Up Networking", but you seem to be trying to use Ethernet rather than dial-up so that context doesn't make sense.

have a 3Com PCI NIC, just the card, nothing else.  I get a nasty network
configuration popup on bootup that I don't know how to fill out.  I tried
several times and now just cancel it.  It tells me "good luck" but my luck
is all bad.  I get an error message logging in to gnome GUI saying something
like can't find IP address, gnome won't work correctly, adding Debian to the
hosts file may correct this.  Well, it doesn't.

You're bringing Gnome into the discussion, which just muddies up the waters. Really, you need to make sure your networking is working properly from the console first (Ctrl-Alt-F2 should get you there; Ctrl-Alt-F7 will get you back to the GUI side of things). The things I mentioned above should help in the console.

 I ask if someone would
please tell me if adding all the network files could have caused this and
got no reply.

I don't know what you mean by "network files".

 So, right or wrong, I dselected out the network files making
sure I kept wvdial, ppp and other files needed for dial out.  Due to some
dependency crap, wvdial was removed.

For Ethernet, you don't need wvdial or ppp, so no worry here.

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