On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 05:17:43PM +0100, Petter Senften wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm new to this list, but after googling for a few hours after a fix to 
> my problem it seems I have no other option than to try to get some 
> attention here :)
> My server is a Debian Sarge-box (dist-upgraded from Woody a few months 
> back). Anyhoo, anytime I use lspci I get the following error: pcilib: 
> Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices
> Also, when the PHP-script "PHPsysinfo" runs it generates the same error 
> in the Apache Error-log, as well as taking forever to finish the 
> operation. Both items still list my PCI devices, but after a delay 
> (which to me is annoying).
> If I go to /sys it's empty, so obviously something is missing. I 
> wouldn't say that I'm a complete Linux-bewbie, but this problem has me 
> completely stumped, and as mentioned Google has been of no help this 
> time. So I'm asking all the experts out there - what can I do to correct 
> this?
> Kernel running is 2.6.5
Hi Petter,
are you using devsf?
do you have udev installed and working?
check your lilo.conf.
/sys is a recent virtual file system that contains info about hardware for
if its empty, udev is not setup correctly.
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