On Sun, Dec 05, 2004 at 10:13:59PM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
> Richard Hector wrote:
> > I've downloaded a netinst iso that has 2.6.8, so that bit should be ok,
> > and I then boot with either
> > 
> > linux26 hda=stroke
> > 
> > or
> > 
> > expert26 hda=stroke
> As far as I know passing parameters to the ide (or whatever) module like
> this will only work if it's built into the kernel, not if it's a module.
> If it's a module the parameter has to be passed when the module is
> modprobed. When you boot in expert mode it should let you specifiy
> module parameters before loading whichever module is the one that
> processes this parameter and you can enter it there.

Excellent, thanks - that certainly pointed me in the right direction.

Unfortunately, the module that needs the option is ide_core, and that
isn't loaded explicitly by the installer, so I had no chance to add the
option there. What I had to do was, once it said it was going to detect
the CDROM, I went to the 2nd VC and ran

modprobe ide_core options="hda=stroke"

(and working out the options= bit took some time, too ...), then I
returned to the installer and didn't need to specify anything else.

The next problem is that, presumably because the installer knew nothing
about what I had done, it didn't add the option to the initrd image
either, so on reboot I'm back to a 33.8G disk. I'm now working through
how to recreate the initrd image ...

Many thanks,


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