On Sat, 2004-12-11 at 16:52 +0000, Pedro M (Morphix User) wrote:
> Alex Malinovich escribiÃ:
> Can anyone create the .deb package, so everybody can download it using 
> apt-get install.
> I think we can create a program to install a Java Mozilla Plug-in and 
> include in it the JRE.  If one creates a program, can package with it 
> the Sun's JRE.
> See http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?JRE

(Note: Taking this back to the mailing list so others can benefit from
the discussion as well.)

The requirements for redistributing the JRE are very specific. You can
not also distribute something that is meant to supersede the
functionality of the JRE. Since Debian distributes Kaffe, we would be
violating the license.

Also, one of the other requirements is that you redistribute the JRE
with software that substantially adds to its functionality. As Mozilla
USES the JRE, but in no way ADDS to it, this would also be a violation
of the agreement. (The applets that the JRE might end up running THROUGH
Mozilla would add to it, but since Mozilla doesn't we cannot package the
two together.)

Because of this, the only way a non-Debian package could include the JRE
would be if it was a native Java program being packaged for Debian. But
by doing this we would lose the benefit of distributing the JRE because
most people would want just the JRE and NOT the program that it comes

And, finally, the biggest problem is that the JRE license states that
any software you distribute WITH the JRE must be under a license that
"protects Sun's interests consistent with the terms contained in" their
license. In other words, you can NOT distribute a GPL'd program with the

Alex Malinovich
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