On Wed, 2004-12-15 at 11:56 -0500, Christian Convey wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Recently I've spent a lot of time digging through udev / hotplug issues, 
> getting to know modprobe, modules.conf, alsaconf, XF86Config-4 etc. 
> This was all to get a digicam and a flashdrive to be useful, or to make 
> sound/video work.
> As much as I like Linux and its ideals, I thought to myself, "I've never 
> had to deal with issues like these in Windows.  I buy a product, plug it 
> in, and almost always, it just works."
> I'd really like to advocate Linux more to friends and family, but I just 
> don't feel like I can recommend the OS to non-techies until dealing with 
> hardware gets easier.
> Do you guys have any reflections on why, for technical / social / market 
> / whatever reasons, this difference exists between the two OS's exists? 
> And are those differences necessary or accidental?

The biggest reason is because the companies that make these products
don't bother with testing or supporting them under Linux.

There's also a technical reason behind it which is that, until recently,
Linux systems have not been very 'smart' with regards to auto-probing
devices. It was expected that if you wanted to use a device, you would
set it up the way you wanted it and use it. Recently, this has been
addressed by things like hald and gnome-volume-manager (in Gnome at
least), and udev has laid the groundwork for not only an easier to
maintain, but functionally superior to Windows solution of device

I think that with a bit of time, Linux systems will become a lot easier
to use for most people. Since the community has stepped up to the
challenge of making the system more auto-probe friendly it is now only a
matter of getting manufacturers to take some time and effort to test and
support their devices on Linux systems. That, unfortunately, is MUCH
easier said than done. But I am quite hopeful that, one day, it will

Alex Malinovich
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