Freddy Freeloader wrote:
Roberto Sanchez wrote:
Check: bibletime, gnomesword, sword-comm-mhcc, sword-comm-pers,
sword-dict-naves, sword-text-web, bible-kjv

You can also try running e-Sword in WINE.

-Roberto Sanchez

Thanks to all who replied.

Unfortunately I've looked at the programs available in Debian packages and found them to not fit my needs. If you're curious to see why do a Google search for e-Sword. The sheer number of translations, commentaries, concordances, and other study helps found in e-Sword just dwarfs anything to be found in a Debian package, and it is freeware. The only commercial packages that are its equal cost a few hundred dollars.

I'll have to start experimenting with Wine and see if I can get e-Sword to work under it.

I just submitted a feedback on the e-Sword website. I encouraged Rick to consider making the software available under an open source license and even offered my help to port the software. Hopefully this will pan out, as I also have been looking for a good Bible-study tool in Linux.


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