William Ballard wrote:
On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 02:02:39AM -0500, William Ballard wrote:


This is just bizarre. "Zaine Ridling, Ph.D." is listed as the "editor" in the PDF file. This same twit who put together this list of his favorite Closed Source applications and linked to the porn image, *on the same site.* Apparently he has requested and received permission to put give away a copyrighted work (the NRSV) and copyrighted commentaries (the Oxford annotations) -- for Free.

The text appears to be legit. Who this Zaine Ridling is, and who the Access Foundation is and why their corporate sponsors seem to be hosting this site, is a big can of worms.

Anyway, we'd better educate old Zaine about Debian. He loses 10 cool points for his stupid list of software. But the Bible's cool as all get out.

I don't know what to make of the guy.  On the one hand he seems

"NetCaptor is the original tabbed browser, ..."

"On the surface,  Avant Browser is similar to NetCaptor, but its
standards compliance is consistently lacking; Avant doesn't share
the same lean interface, instead it opts for bloat; nor does it
share NetCaptor's speed and font rendering abilities."

Puhleeze.  Don't all IE "skins" use the IE rendering engine for
pages and fonts?  Don't they all look the same?

But then:

"... I recommend Mozilla and NetCaptor ..."

"[Mozilla Firefox] gets better with every build, and once a user gets
hooked, they usually think of Internet Explorer in the same league as
Outlook Express — Grade A crap."

Further down on the page he talks about a program called NoClone
which finds duplicate files.  The screenshot is apparently one of
him looking for dupe jpegs in his pr0n collection.

He also seems to be a fan of Trillian, Thunderbird, Ad-Aware
and Spybot Search and Destroy.

He is also a fan of Word 2003 and a bunch of other text editors
which couldn't hold a candle to vim.

I don't want to start on his page of recommended image viewers/
editors.  Take a look if you have any doubts.

Then on his list of top 10 tips for developers he seems to
think that the only reason to write software is to sell it
and make money.  No concept of Free software.


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