On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 12:36:37PM -0500, Nori Heikkinen wrote:
> on Sun, 19 Dec 2004 04:04:24AM +1100, Sam Watkins insinuated:
> > but if I type "~/" <tab> I can attach something,
> I can do that, yes.  But more often than not, I haven't memorized the
> entire path of the file I want to attach, and I want to browse to find
> it.

I also get an error for "..<enter>" or "../<enter>". Try "../<tab>";
that works for me. More generally speaking, pressing tab twice in any
"minibuffer" /should/ give you a browsable list, at least when there
is more than one possible completion to that file name. Pressing enter
means you want to attach the file as it is currently displayed in the
minibuffer, which fails if it doesn't exist or if it is a directory.

> > or "?" and select ".." to go up.
> That's precisely what I can't do -- select "..".  As you said yourself
> above, when I select "..", it tells me:
> Unable to attach /home/nori/Mail/..!

When I press `?' the sign for parent directory isn't `..' but
`../'. If in your case the slash isn't appended that might be a clue.

If all else fails, paste the correct file name into mutt from another
shell or program.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
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