Tom Allison wrote:
> David Mandelberg wrote:
>> Tom Allison wrote:
>>> The Ilohamail site seems to be under some serious repairs so
>>> documentation is limited.
>>> Can someone help me answer some simple questions about this?
>> You should ask the questions instead of asking if you can ask. I'll
>> try to
>> answer what I think your questions might be.
>>> Maildir support
>> I think ilohamail uses IMAP or POP, so mailbox file format doesn't
>> matter as
>> long as it's supported by the IMAP/POP server (I use dovecot which
>> supports Maildir)
>>> Shared folders
>> I don't think ilohamail supports them, but you could make a read only
>> (can't
>> send email) account that gets all shared stuff.
> OK.
> So I asked some really poorly thought out questions.
> So, ilohamail is a IMAP/POP protocol interface to the mail server (like
> dovecot which I also use).  That being the case, then all these
> questions kind of fall into... "does dovecot support ...?"
Ilohamail uses IMAP and/or POP to read messages (instead of file IO), so any
questions about file formats or IMAP/POP capabilities are questions about the
IMAP/POP server (e.g. dovecot)

> I've been using squirrelmail which has something of an IMAP support
> built into it, but I'm not sure it's that solid.  I have problems with
> large mail folders (Multiple folders >1500 each) causing squirrelmail to
> fail.  It's also a bit inconsistent with maildir locations, but that's
> minor.  I don't believe it's pure IMAP in it's protocol.
Squirrelmail (SM) does not do any direct file io, it uses IMAP to read messages
and SMTP to send them. The large folder problem is due to squirrel loading the
entire folder into ram. SM doesn't deal with maildir, that's the IMAP server's
job, so I don't know what you mean by "It's also a bit inconsistent with maildir

> Courier's webmail isn't at all IMAP protocol.  It's all file IO.
I was refering to courier-imap, sorry for the ambiguity.

> My "ideal" webmail application would talk only in IMAP so it wouldn't
> care about server location, file locations, authentication models.....
My ideal world wouldn't have pollution, discrimination, wars, ...

> As an example, mail clients (thunderbird) doesn't really have anything
> to do for an IMAP server other than DNS, Username, Password.  I don't
> have anything else to do in order from getting it working.  I like that.
That's because thunderbird is run on a client machine and isn't exposed to the
world so extensibility and security aren't as big issues.

> You're initial response, while also being very forgiving, leads me in
> the direction that Ilohamail may be more IMAP specific than squirrelmail.
I don't really know what you mean by 'more IMAP specific'. If you mean it uses
only IMAP, then no, it can use POP too.

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David Mandelberg

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