On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 10:36:01PM -0500, Juergen Fiedler wrote:
> Alright... bittorrent is running, wondershaper has (hopefully) done its
> magic - I should be good.
> Could you or someone just like you please hit
> http://www.fiedlerfamily.net/juergen/files/dfs.jf-12202004.iso.torrent
> and see what happens?

Looks like nothing would happen. I noticed that btdownloadcurses (or
headless, for that matter) gives me an error after a little while:

> Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP Error -1:

That's all.

I have the tracker running:

> bttrack --port 6880 --dfile /service/bttrack/dstate

I created the torrent file:

> btmakemetafile /home/juergen/bittorrent/dfs.jf-12202004.iso \
>  http://www.fiedlerfamily.net:6880/announce

I copied it to my web server and tried 

>btdownloadcurses --url \
 http://www.fiedlerfamily.net/juergen/files/dfs.jf-12202004.iso.torrent \
 --saveas /home/juergen/bittorrent/dfs.jf-12202004.iso

It completes the 'download' and then gives me the aforementioned error
every few minutes. What am I doing wrong here? Any input *will* be


Juergen Fiedler
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