Michael Murphy wrote:

Hi Michael,
I guess you didn't notice my posting on this list dated 24/12/04
with the subject alsa mismatch... Anyway as Thomas Hood pointed out
this is known as kernel bug #284356. I would suggest the following:
1. apt-get update then apt-get upgrade then apt-get dist-upgrade
until you have the latest versions of your packages.
2. Get the source for the alsa drivers module and compile it and
then intall it.
This worked for me and my alsa and the rest of sarge is purring like
a kitten.

Thank you, Jonathan.  I had missed the post and the pointer to bug
#284356.  I guess I'm going to have to learn how to build packages
the 'debian way' sooner than I'd guessed ;)

At this point let me suggest aptitude as a substitute for apt-get. Running aptitude (just that command) from the command line gets you into the aptitude gui which I personally hate but most people seem to like it. It has a number of advantages over apt-get which you can google if you're curious.
If you're using kde, try kpackage also. Gnome has synaptic but I prefer kpackage. I find it quite useful so see what's going on. I then use aptitude to do the actual installations.

You mention doing an apt-get dist-upgrade. Again, I'm new to debian,
but wouldn't this be necessary only if I were going from one release
(stream) to another? I installed sarge using the netinst cd and have
only sarge repos in my sources.list. Thus far, I've been using
dselect and currently have the kernel packages on hold.
dist-upgrade is a bit more agressive than upgrade. It will remove unneeded packages but always asks you first. It's for the same stream; not a new one. I use it to make sure that all my current packages are absolutely upto date.

You say that you rebuilt the source for the alsa drivers *after* you'd
upgraded the kernel? Does this mean that you *didn't* experience the
extreme slow-down that I did? Were I to upgrade, I don't think that
my computer would be able to build anything (in under a week's time,
that is).
No, changing 2.4.27-2 to -6 didn't (noticeably) effect the performance. No slow-downs extreme or otherwise. I'm mystified by your problem but maybe wiser heads than mine on this list can answer that.

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