In what way does "" have a terrorist agenda?

I mean dude, they use like a hippie name and they live in the country "africa". How can they not be terrorist-supporting weed smoking lefties?

Or does pacifist equate to terrorist in your dictionary?

Well, I seem to remember that Bush said something like "If you're not with us, you're against us". It's stupid, but it's very clear.

If you can demonstrate that it _does_ genuinely have a terrorist or
militant agenda, I'll stand corrected.

Come on man! They use the word _ubuntu_ for their linux distro! They must be terrorists! They should change to something more sensible and _truly_ pacifist such as 'HolySword' or something.

Here's a few dangerous terrorist idea inducing names to avoid:



"Terrorist" has become such a bull-shit word.

The worst "terrorist" is America, with your depleted uranium
"dirty-bombs" which you throw around at every opportunity, with your
arms-companies selling land-mines to anyone who wants one, with your
"oil before people" capitalist mentality, with your "shock and awe"
tactics and your moronic amoral president, with your consumerism and
obesity in a world where people are starving, with your "our lifestyle
is more important than your life" mentality.  Take a good look at your
own country's agenda.

Australia is not much better.

France isn't either. The only thing that keeps our president out of prison is that he is, well, our president :-(.

<troll>But a thief is still preferable to a murderer...</troll>

I doubt that the name Ubuntu Linux was chosen in order to associate the
product with the politics of, but if it was, good on them for
supporting an organization that (as far as I can see) promotes
international peace.

I agree.

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