Hello Users,

A couple of weeks ago I tasted debian first time and was so
excited about what Linux can offer these days that I wanted to
give a serious try to move permanetly to linux world and leave
windows behind.

Installing Sarge went without any complications, everything
worked quite nice, although I had to do serveral
configurations, updates and "apt-get installs". Only problem
was with tv-card. I might got it working but then I red/heard
that using 2.6 kernel would solve that problem, and overall
it would be much better than 2.4, so I choosed to update.

I made another Sarge installation (just to be sure not to
break anything) and started updating its kernel.

With help from this howto (which was, IMHO, very good and
clear howto):

I successfully build 2.6.9 kernel.

But when I booted It didn't work: When I booted I got graphical login screen where I entered username and password, but right after that I got error saying something like: Xsession lasted less than 10 seconds, ~/xsession.log has been writen.

No problem, as howto says: "You'll probably need to build the
kernel a few times before you get it just right", so just
reconfigure and rebuild :)

1) I booted back to 2.4 kernel and then I got this very urgent problem, i cannot connect to network.

2) I tryed to boot back to first Sarge installataion and no

3) I tryd to boot to windowsXP and same there, cannot connect
to network.

I did factory reset to my ADLS modem, and retryed all steps
abowe, no network.

During both Sarge boots I can see this error message:
Spurious 8259A interrupt irq7

I dont know whether it is any way related to this problem.

Also I can see that DHCP fails to connect to my service

======================== So, my QUESTION is here: ========================

I made two Sarge installations. Before kernel tryout both had
properly operating network connection. After kernel tryout I
have three OS (2 x Debian and 1 winXP) which cannot get
network connection.

Can anyone point me some direction where to start looking.
I reseted my ADLS modem, and it didnt have any affect, so does
this mean that BIOS has been changed some how by my kernel


Details of my computer: - Processor is AMD Athlon XP +3000 - Motherboard is K7N2 Delta-L http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=K7N2_Delta-L

- Network card is on-board

- ADLS modem is A-Link RoadRunner 44


I have never heard of a kernel destroying a network card :)

The fact that you are not able to use the network card even under XP would suggest an hardware problem unrelated to the OSs.

Can it be that you have disloged the card from it's slot ?

BTW if you want to try a 2.6.9 kernel you are not forced to compile your own since you can easily use a corresponding .deb package.

Give us the output (as root) of lspci and lsmod and search for eth0 in the output od the dmesg command.

Good luck,

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