On Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 12:17:44PM +1000, R G Cottrell wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I asked this on debian-kernel about 8 hours ago but didn't
> get any replies.
> I've tried about half a dozen times over the last year to compile
> a working kernel for my old 233MHz machine.  I thought I might
> have had a defective processor (a K6) but I've changed it to a
> genuine Intel Pentium and still had no success.  I can
> successfully install one of the precompiled kernel images,
> but compiling one on my box has failed so far.  At one point I
> filed a bug report but Herbert Xu was unable/unwilling to help.
> I am currently running RC1 of sarge with a 2.4.27 kernel that I 
> downloaded as a kernel image, but I've previously tried with
> 3.0r1 with 2.4.18 and other 2.4.x kernels, as well as an early
> 2.6.x kernel source.
> I now have:
>     kernel-source-2.4.27_2.4.27-6_all.deb (30M)
> I thought I knew what to do with this, but my past failures in
> compiling kernels on this box make me wary.
> I also have
>     kernel-image-2.4.27_2.4.27-6.tar.gz (95K)
> but I can't understand what I'm supposed to do with it.
> I've unpacked it but it seems to be for those who already
> know how it works - there's no readme or help I can see.
> I also have:
>     kernel-build-2.4.27_2.4.27-6_i386.deb (8K)
> but I don't really know what to do with it either.
> I do have kernel-package installed.
> As far as I can tell, the latest testing kernel image for Pentium is:
>     kernel-image-2.4.27-1-586tsc_2.4.27-6_i386.deb (11.5M)
> What commands do I need to issue in order to generate a .deb that is
> _identical_ to that?  I assume I have to use make-kpkg, and it probably
> depends on the precise version of the compiler.

The Debian way really does work. I suggest that you stick with it.

You use make-kpkg as your main tool. Making a kernel package that is
_identical_ to the precompiled package that you have already
downloaded is unwise. You need, at least, to change the
version/rev.number or something so that your computer can distinguish
between the two (and so that you can distinguish between the two in
order to tell whether or not you have succeeded) The instructions for
setting up this change are in man page (I think). Choose an ID string
that includes something personal, such as you initials. 

Then copy the config file of the prepackaged kernel from /boot into
the source tree under /usr, and follow the steps in the man page.

Making a near identical copy of a Debian kernel package is a good
training exercise, and good first step. If it fails, you know that
your new kernel is not failing because of a poor choise of kernel
config options, you are using the ones that you know work for your
hardware. After you have succeeded at this exercise, you can start
tweeking the config parms and recompiling.


Paul E Condon           

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