On Tuesday 04 January 2005 06:26 pm, Kent West wrote:

> My personal opinion? Skip Testing and go straight to Sid. You have more
> chance of breakage (although it's been very rare in my experience (about
> 3 years now)), but said breakage also tends to get fixed within hours
> instead of 10 days. Same for vulnerabilities. As soon as a vulnerability
> is found, if the developer/maintainer of that package is on the ball,
> the fix will be in Sid very quickly, perhaps even before it makes it
> into Stable. You also get newer toys to play with.

I like toys. :)

I may not have the hands-on experience with Sid that you have (replaced SuSE 
9.1 with Sid in July... 99:1 linux:xp usage since), but I also have only seen 
very rare breakages. I've even seen 'breakages' that weren't breakages at 
all, but new packages that weren't as forgiving of existing errors as older 

Case in point: The new Fluxbox 0.9.11. When I replaced my 0.9.9, the desktops 
would now jump two at a time when I used the scroll wheel. I thought it was a 
bug in fluxbox. Then I noticed that openbox was doing the same thing. 
Judicious googling got me to a page that said to check my XF86Config. 
Sometimes there are 2 separate listings for the mouse, and could be sending 
double inputs. I edited out the redundancy, and bingo! No more double jumps.

 I also make it a point to subscribe to debian-security. The reports almost 
always list fixes for both Woody and Sid.

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