Rabin Vincent wrote:
On Fri, 07 Jan 2005 19:18:47 +0000, Joao Clemente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What tool can I use to find out the filesystem details? The partition
sizes we can find out with fdisk, cfdisk, or whatever... but how do we
check the "what filesystem, what blocksize, what journal size", ...?

Running dump2efs on the partition will give you, among other
information, the block size and the journal inode. Then run debugfs on
the partition, and use the command: "stat <i>", replacing i with the
inode of the journal. This will give you the blockcount. Multiply this
blockcount by the block size to get the journal size in bytes.

Hmmm... too messy for what I was asking... Isnt't there a simple tool that shows something like
/dev/hda1 : ext2, 1024byte/block,
/dev/hda2 : ext3, 2048byte/block, 10Mb journal <journal specific stuff like ... journal "sync" period time>
/dev/hda3 : vfat, ...

even if we call it one by one (show_fs /dev/hda1, show_fs /dev/hda2,..)?
dumpe2fs seems to show information similar to "tune2fs -l" ... I think it shows most of the information I would like to find, altough we're alredy assuming this is a ext2/ext3 filesystem...

And, now that we're talking about filesystems, maybe someone can enlighten me on one other related thing: I usually use "noatime" in my fstab options, and AFAIK this will prevent the system from updating a "last accessed time" from a file. So... there is must be a way to know this "last accessed time" ... wich tool is it?

Joao Clemente

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