Okay, I've been looking for an answer for tihs for a little while, and
have been unable to find one. Here's the problem:

I have four boxes on my internal network. A debian box, solaris,
gentoo, and a windows box (*ducks any incoming tomatoes*). All my *nix
based boxes are being very strange: DNS lookups from programs return Nslookup's return the correct IP's. Ping's work just dandy,
telnet works fine. For about 5 minutes after an nslookup is done on a
particular domain, the same domain can be looked up inside of programs
(I'm guessing that this is due to caching), and it will return the IP.
The windows box has no problems at all with DNS lookups. It's
operating fine. All the other *nix boxes are effected. Tried a
different router, same issue. Reset modem and set everything back up
from scratch (Actiontec DSL modem).

Anyone have any clue as to what this could be? I've been having the
issue for around a month now. Maybe a little under that.



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