On 5/13/05, Marty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deboo ^ wrote:
> > I accideantally fdisked my linux hard disk  and deleted all
> > partitions, created one single solaris partition.
> If you ever ran lilo on a root partition of the disk, then it probably saved
> a copy of the mbr in the /boot directory which can be manually restored with
> a disk editor (for example), although I'm not sure about the multiple disk
> scenario you describe, or about grub.

Does this mean that lilo is better than grub due to this feature? Is
there such an option configurable in grub?
> If all else fails, there are a number of ways to deduce and restore the 
> correct
> partition table entries, either manually via inspection of the disk contents,
> or using various automatic recovery tools, or even by trial and error.

I'll be interested to know these number of ways, if you could put
these in short, later.

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