Jonathan Kaye wrote:

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En/La Freddy Freeloader ha escrit, a 14/05/05 17:41:
| Jonathan Kaye wrote:
| En/La Freddy Freeloader ha escrit, a 14/05/05 16:30:
| | Is anyone else running across the following problem?
| |
| | Ever since Firefox changed the install routine for themes and
| extensions
| | due to a vulnerability I've been unable to install any themes or
| | extensions as a regular user. I can install them if I su to root and
| | start Firefox from the bash shell or if I run Firefox as root, but then
| | any extensions or themes installed don't apply to my regular user
| | profile. I've tried playine around with copying the entire
| | .mozilla/firefox directory from /root and changing owner and group
| | permissions on it so my user account has access but that only creates a
| | non-usable browser so I have to uninstall and reinstall again.
| | What happens is that the install routines for extensions/themes
| begin as
| | normal but fail silently. I can find no errors in any logs, and the
| | extensions directory remains empty. I'm assuming this is because
| | something has changed in the Firefox is using file permissions since
| the
| | extensions are installed in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox and a regular user
| | doesn't have write permissions there.
| | I went to the Firefox support forums and one of the moderators told me
| | that this problem would be fixed in the 1.0.4 release so when the 1.0.4
| | package was placed in unstable I installed it from there by downloading
| | the package and using dpkg to install it. (I am running Sarge.)
| | I'm getting no response worth mentioning from the Firefox people so I
| | thought I'd ask here if anyone else is seeing this too and what your
| | workaround was.
| |
| Hi Freddy,
| I'm running Sarge (2.6.8) and Firefox 1.0.4. I have the following
| extensions: Launchy, DictionarySearch, Linky and Adblock.
| AFAIK they all are installed in
| ~/.mozilla/firefox/default.mq3/extensions/
| I always run Firefox as a normal user and never as root. I never touch
| /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox and so permission issues don't arise.
| Cheers,
| Jonathan
| I beg to differ with you that nothing is written in
| /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox during the install of extensions. I am pasting
| the output from ls below.
My mistake, Freddy. I should have said that nothing is written in MY
/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox. In fact that folder doesn't even exist on my
system. I should mention that I don't install firefox as a debian
package but download directly from the firefox site. I wind up with a
/tmp/firefox-installer directory which I copy to the /opt folder, change
its name to /opt/firefox (after renaming the previous version "firefox.old".

| Job:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox# ls
| chrome icons res
| components
| components.ini
| searchplugins
| defaults xpcshell
| defaults.ini
| extensions mozilla-firefox-xremote-client xpidl
| firefox plugins xpt_dump
| firefox-bin regchrome xpt_link
| greprefs libsoftokn3.chk regxpcom
| Job:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox# cd extensions
| Job:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions# ls
| {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} installed-extensions-processed.txt
| Extensions.rdf
| Job:/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions# cd
| {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}

| ls
| chrome install.rdf uninstall

Sorry, but the only thing I have in /opt/firefox/extensions is something
related to some theme. All the extensions that I mentioned are found
ONLY in my home folder as you can see here:
Attila:/home/jdkaye# locate linky.js


Attila:/home/jdkaye# locate launchy.js




Attila:/home/jdkaye# locate dictionarysearch


| As you can plainly see there is data written to
| /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions when extensions/themes are installed.
| I'm guessing that you have had your extensions installed for a long
| time. I'd lay pretty good odds that you haven't tried installing any
| new extensions in the past few days either.
You'd lose. Keep your money ;-) . FF 1.0.4 has a cool new alert system
for extension upgrades (themes also BTW) and I've upgrade a couple of
them since I installed 1.0.4 and, as you know, 1.0.4 is not that old.
I'm also guessing, since I
| have no idea how Firefox is now installing things, that the components
| for the extensions themselves are now being installed outside the /home
| directory so that a malicious site won't be able to compromise the
| computer through a standard user account. Changing the place where the
| executable files are installed to a directory where a standard user
| doesn't have write permissions is an easy security fix, but one that has
| some major consequences.

To me it makes sense to keep the theme, extension, plugin stuff in the
user's home directory since not every user would want to use the same
extensions, themes etc. Anyway, remember that there's more than one way
to install Firefox and as I said I don't even have a
/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox folder.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


I figured that it would be possible to install the extension executables away from the configuration data. Linux does it all the time, so installing the executables for the extensions in /usr/lib and all the configuration for which extensions to be used for each user account in /home directories is not something that is much of a stretch of the imagination.

But, oh well, I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again many more times. I have a lot left to learn about this OS.

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