On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 10:26:22AM +0200, Gerard Robin wrote:
> Hello,
> I installed successfully gnumeric Version: 1.5.1-1 ( with dpkg -i )
> "apt-get -f install" is ok
> However when I want to create a diagram I get the message:
> immpossible to open the file:
> /local/gnome/head/test/share/goffice/0.0.1/glade/gog-guru.glade
> Which package I have to installed to get the file gog-guru.glade ?
> -- 
> Gérard 
Hi Gerard,
'apt-cache search goffice' found:

aspell-bg - Bulgarian dictionary for aspell
ibulgarian - The Bulgarian dictionary for ispell
libgoffice-1 - Document centric objects library - runtime files
libgoffice-1-common - Document centric objects library - common files
libgoffice-1-dbg - Document centric objects library - debugging files
libgoffice-1-dev - Document centric objects library - runtime files
myspell-bg - The Bulgarian dictionary for myspell
wbulgarian - The Bulgarian dictionary words for /usr/share/dict

my guess is that you need: libgoffice-common and libgoffice-1.
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