On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 07:52:19PM -0700, David Witbrodt wrote:
> It has been aggravating, but I've learned a lot!  Being a complete
> Debian newb, I have a lot of reading to do over my 4 day weekend
> coming up!  I just wanted to thank those who helped and encouraged me
> last fall, and apologize for not getting around to it until now.  I
> have 3 out of 5 OSes booting from the partitions I made for them, and
> I have Debian running from the wrong partition.  I definitely need
> more help and advice, but I will start specific threads for those
> questions.  I still haven't submitted my installation "bug report," so
> I want to do that first.  It's really strange that the installer
> kernel couldn't recognize my HD controller, but it installed a kernel
> that could!
Hi Dave,
welcome aboard! It should be (relatively) smooth sailing from here on. 
Debian is about to release Sarge, so you could stick with that and be
happy. Or not, since I track Sid. To make thing less risky, you may want
to install apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges as these two programs here
you avoid potential problem in the debian world.
check out my diagram at http://debian.home.pipeline.com
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