Matias Rollan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> bash# mount /dev/hdg5 /mnt; mount /dev/hdg2 /mnt/boot/ .... and so on

> then..


> bash# tar cvf - / | (cd /mnt/; tar xvf -)


> Change the root of the system.


> chroot /mnt


> And then modify grub config files in order to boot from your new hdg drive

> [ don't use grub so I can't help you ]. And execute grub? [ ok I would

> execute lilo to save the changes in the MBR of your new /dev/hdg drive ]


> p.s: Be sure of having a swap partition in your new drive.

  Thanks for the help!  I feel better now, seeing that it really is as easy as I hoped it would be.
Dave W.

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