On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 08:15:52PM +0200, Aurélien Campéas wrote:
> Le mardi 31 mai 2005 à 16:09 +0200, Aurélien Campéas a écrit :
> [...]
> > a lot of crap here, but look at the last stat64 syscalls near the end :
> > it looks like a bug related to localisation (fortune tries to open a
> > file named "fr_FR.UTF ..." instead of a real file). Indeed for this
> > system I had the funny idea to ask for encoding of all files in UTF-8
> > instead of iso-latin-1 as I usually do.
> So, am I the only one out there that uses UTF8-something as default
> encoding for filenames ?
> Aurélien.

maybe run the command prefixed with LANG= or LANGUAGE= or LC_ALL= 
LC_ALL=en_US fortune

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