On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 12:19:30PM -0500, John Foster wrote:
> I have been dealing with this issue for some time. I have a sid installation 
> & 
> apt quit showing any packages that were available for upgrade about 2 months 
> ago. I was using, for several years, kdepackage manager as my gui for 
> handeling all package management functions. When I decided to try synaptic & 
> aptitude, kdepackage quit showing the upgrades available. However synaptic 
> seemed to work OK. Today I upgraded apt-cacher, apt-build, & apt-file from 
> synaptic. After these were upgraded synaptic quit showing any upgradeable 
> packages, kde-package is not showing any & dselect is just nuts, it's showing 
> every thing installed is obsolete or local with no upgrades available either. 
> The fact is that every package on my systems seems to be working just fine 
> and all systems, & hardware are OK.
> So anybody with ANY idea PLEASE respond.
> -- 
> John Foster
Hi John,
you have found one of the inconsisencies of the various package manager:
all of them do not keep states the same way. And when you use more than
one package manager, the other get confused. I wish the maintainers
would either use the same format for storing state informations or
someone should develop a tool to syncronize them to avoid this package
manger confusion.
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