stan wrote:
> ON some older Debian machines I have a neat lightweight calender
> appliacation called ical. An apt-cahce search on a fairly recent install
> does not seem to reaeal it's present in the current Debian world.
> Am I overlooking something? If not, what hapened to it? wrote about the removal of ical and alternatives some time
        "Creatures of habit, perhaps, should not run Debian unstable on their
        desktops. Your editor has learned to scrutinize every dist-upgrade
        carefully before turning it loose, but he missed the one that deleted
        ical from his system. Some investigation turned up that, in fact, ical
        has not been part of Debian for some time; it had been removed as
        being obsolete, unmaintained, and superseded by better
        alternatives. ical was able to continue to exist for years, however,
        until some recent change in unstable forced its removal."

Sven Arvidsson
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