Leonard Chatagnier said:
tar: ./lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/modules.symbols: Cannot write: No space left on device
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

I chacked partition space with df and seem to have ample room as shown"
ChatagnierL-Home:~#  df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2               140000    114049     18722  86% /

Phil said:
Your / partition is where /lib lives, and you've only got ~18MB. I'd say
your modules directory should take up more than that. 30MB+. Prolly not
enough space.

Hey Phil, thanks, that explains it. Now how to get more space on /? I could resize partitions with cfdisk and probably mess things up. You have a more newbie(noobie) frendly way of doing this? Any thought or suggestions will be much appreciated. BTW, did you see any problem with the df output for tmpfs as I wasn't sure if it was saying 0% usage or 0% free space. Also, for my clarification and understanding, the sarge modules were already installed from previous testing upgrades, so, why couldn't it just be written over with the new stable sarge or is the new upgrade that much larger..??? Appreciate any info on this.

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